Isabella Moro



She begins to study ballet as a child with Edda Marcialis. Later on she approaches contemporary dance with different teachers of contact improvisation, theatre-dance, lemon technique, argentine tango. In 2006 she gets a diploma as Danzaeducatore® (Dance Educator) at the Mousikè Association in Bologna. Since 2006 she teaches creative dance for Kairòs ( In 2007 she is Assistant for the course held by Wanda Moretti on Contemporary Dance Techniques, Space Harmony – Movement Analysis. She collaborates with many Venetian productions, such as San Servolo Servizi , the Guggenheim Foundation, and the Municipality of Venice. In 2008 she grounds Danzastorie (Dancing Stories), that promotes courses, workshops and theatre-dance shows for kids. In 2013 and 2015 she obtains the DIDC-A e DIDC-B certificates at the Luna Dance Institute of Berkeley (S.F.). In 2015, together with Il libro con gli Stivali, she debuts in a new theatre dance show for kids. She constantly researches on developing in different cultural and social environments, involving different age groups, from playing in families, (DANZA/TE project) to public performances. Since  2017 she collaborates with the Biennale Educational and begins the workshop of Movement in Theatre together with Susi Danesin “Salti di gioia” (jump for joy) at the Municipal Theatre Goldoni in Venice. In December 2017 she becomes a sporting operator for disabled people (Italian Sign Language).
In May 2018 she dances in “Amair Ancore” with the choreography of Marigia Maggipinto. During the same year she realizes the movement lecture “Gira la pagina gira” (Turn the page turn).